BBC Learning English


1.- Courses/ Unit 1: Nice to meet you!/ Session 2:Asking Questions

Video: Activity 1: Getting to know each other: Alice, Amith and Sophie.

This activity was very useful, because you can listen to other people speaking English. I had to read the transcript at times though, because sometimes it went too fast for me.

2.- Grammar/Unit 2: What to wear/Present Simple and Present Continuous

Video: Session 2/ Activity 3/6 Minute Grammar: Tenses/

Present continuous and present simple

It was a useful activity that I would continue to do, because I think that I need to review elements that I saw at school and sometimes I forget quickly.

3.- Pronunciation/ Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Summary

I thought it was interesting that there was a video that taught us how to pronounce it, but it was hard for me to understand, because it was fast and I feel like I have to repeat it to understand better.

4.- Vocabulary/ 10 Easy English Words/Vegetables

I really liked this video, because the repetition worked a lot. I already knew the vegetables, but I worked on pronunciation, which is one of the things that is most difficult for me.

5.- News/ Activity 1/ News Review/ Prince Harry's book

I loved that format of taking a test after hearing the news, because it is doing an exercise in English located in reality and makes you feel closer.

6.- More/ Quizzes/ Unit 1: Quizzes/ session 1/ Activity 1: for vs since

This section did not have videos, it was to do a test, I understand the information that was shown in the other sections, because something that I saw in the others came out. I liked it, because I find that this way one can have their learning evaluated to reinforce what is most difficult for us. In my case, I need to practice and practice, so as not to forget the words.


In all the activities I got into the easy level, because I thought it was there, in some things I liked it and in others I think I should have opted for the medium level to challenge myself.


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