a country i would like to visit


Today I am going to talk about a country that I would visit again, because I visited it for a very short time. It is Italy, specifically Rome. I loved Rome, for the places to visit that are full of history, for its small streets, for its nights, for its people and of course for its food. Especially the latter, since when I went I had stomach problems and I couldn't try many dishes that are famous in the place and that people enjoyed eating them so much!

When I visited it I did it with my friends and it was a wonderful moment walking around Rome together, however, this time I would like to go with my mom. I feel that she would like to visit this place so much, because she is a movie fanatic, but she has never had the chance to leave the country and many movies that she likes have been filmed in this place!

I would like to spend at least a full week with my mom in this place to calmly explore the city and eat delicious things!

I would visit the Vatican Museum with my mom again without a doubt and of course this time I would raise more money to be able to enter places like the Coliseum.


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