Something you enjoy doing outdoors

 Biking through Parque Sánchez Fontecilla in Puente Alto has become a special tradition for my sister and I. This activity, which I initially adopted in preparation for a race in Torres del Paine two years ago, has become a constant source of joy and connection with nature.

Sánchez Fontecilla Park is our favorite setting to enjoy this pastime. With its winding trails and wooded landscapes, it provides the perfect backdrop for our cycling escapades. Since I started biking in this park, I discovered a new way to enjoy exercise and the company of my sister.

I like cycling because not only is it great exercise, but it also gives me a chance to unwind and enjoy the outdoors. The feeling of the wind on my face while pedaling and the beauty of the landscape make this activity unique.

The last time we ventured to Sánchez Fontecilla Park was just a week ago. Each bike ride becomes a renewing experience, reminding me of the importance of spending time on activities that bring us happiness and connection with those we love.


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